Princess Diana asked me to do this web page for her, it was not my idea. What exactly were her instruction's? She felt that Prince Charles is legally and mentally defective as a leader. He is not legally entitled to become the next King because he was behind her premeditated murder. "William should take his place instead" she said.
The baby cried before she was taken down by the Doctor, I heard it. The heart surgeon Dr. Kahn was fully, if not overly qualified to do an abortion. The British press seemed to think that abortion was not his specialty so therefore it didn't happen that way. About three pages of review material of which about three paragraphs stateing the drug measurements is all he would have needed to read up on, if that. The simple procedure is all but a natural function that is commonly performed by a midwife. Do your research, guys.
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Muhammad Ali is who introduced me to Osama Bin Laden