Welcome to the Princess Diana
Murder Investigation Club
Big Announcement: I have just published a book January of 2025. It's called "Roll Of The Di Part One" . It's the foundation that led into meeting Princess Diana and involves the top tier of Rock history.
All cover-ups aside, here's the real story, the reasons behind the foul deed,the legal reasons finally uncovered as to why the Royal murder was not prosecuted. The Monarch has immunity from criminal prosecution in England, and it's stretched a bit to the entire immediate family. With full personal and firsthand knowledge of the crime, my explanation and rendition of fact in the is the only fully accurate information available of the murders. It's almost but not quite not a crime since there is no realistic provision for prosecuting the Royal family of England. France possibly can, but it's not something they would like to tackle for diplomatic reasons. Prince Charles helped plan and financed the 3 murders. He admitted he now wishes he hadn't. He has lost a lot of freinds and respect, and misses her now that he's calmed down about the divorce. I don't think he was particularly sorry about Dodi, however. We can all understand King Charles lll is just a man. Perhaps it's time to upgrade the law, none of this "sacrosanct" and thus above the law line of thought. A Princess deserves better.
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Yours truly, Brian Rohan