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  Why has Mohammed Al Fayed claimed that Prince Philip is behind the gory murder? Because he can from a legal standpoint. If he accused the Queen, it would be Sedition/Treason. She cannot be prosecuted by British law. So it is thus because of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth that ultimately it is why Prince Charles escaped arrest. Charles now wishes she hadn't given her approval. Well, now you know. What are we to do? Above the statue at the lower right of this page is a link.Click it and go to the Osama bin Laden page and scroll to "Operation Neptune Spear" The second paragraph of the section under "Planning and final decision" that is where functioned as a psychic. I got this little statue,so to speak, I am posing on, but no money. It's a long story.Barack Obama said he was caught in the middle.I did not want to negate my own police statement about the dead member of the un-named motorcycle club hired by the Clinton's to kill me. That's when and why I called up Donald Trump and talked him into running for President.It was good that Obama had a little "Voodo" in him for this mission,that I will say.
    No, some girls with computer's is not how the terrorist was tracked down at all.
Here is a little something I worked on, a piece of the World Trade Center. The West Coast version of the 911 memorial
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